Damon Benbo


Screenshots of Warbler app

Problem Solved

While there was no problem really solved with this, I had fun working with and what goes into social media websites similar to Twitter/X. Warbler helped me understand how to apply Python as a front end tool.

Technologies Used

The bulk of this app was made using Python and Python libraries. Flask was utilized to make the front end of the application and Jinja to create my templates to create a consistent disign throughout the website.

For the backend, SQLAlchemy was used for facilitating changes in the database. There is full CRUD built-in to this app as users can create/view/edit/delete posts as well as profile information for their account.

Challenges Faced

The challenges faced in this exercise helped me understand how to use Python for a Full Stack website. The benefit of this exercise was familiarizing myself with Flask in a way that is relevant to popularly consumed media.

Lessons Learned

As social media websites follow consumer trends, Full Stack web developement offers opportunities to create an appealing looking website that is user friendly and engaging.